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Important note

Become a member online at the AOK PLUS

Secure connection

Your data is transmitted to us via an SSL-encrypted connection.

Important note

For your application to the AOK PLUS, we need your support in advance: please check whether you meet one of the following requirements.

At least one of these statements must be true:

None of the statements are true?
Please choose your regional AOK:


Which documents do I need for my application

Please have your pension insurance number to hand so we can process your application faster. You also need the information about your current insurance, if available.

Switch to the AOK in just a few steps

Fill in the online form

Simply locate your AOK and fill in the online form.

We take care of it

We inform your current statutory insurance provider about your request to change.

If your last health insurance company was a private health insurance company, you must submit the notice of termination there yourself!

Welcome to the AOK

You receive the confirmation of your membership from us.